Thank you for Supporting Small Business | Let's pack up an order with JessicaLynnOriginal dog stamps

I want to take a few moments to say thank you so much for supporting a small business like mine. I have been around for over fifteen years, and I love being able to create original custom designs as the owner and artist of the company it means a great deal to me. I have had a beautiful couple of weeks very supportive customers and clients who purchase my stamps and place them in their stores have reached out and made sure to connect with me and to make sure that we're doing okay. 

We are doing okay, and we are going to press severe and keep moving forward even under all of these crazy times. I am so excited to share that we will be having a few new dog breeds coming very soon, and we will be offering pre-sale of those around the same time as the coffee lovers blog hop. Are brand-new adorable gnomes stamps have only a few left in stock, and I thank you so much for all of your support and love for them. I am going to be designing a new set of gnomes that will go along with the original set, and I cannot wait to draw those live with you on our YouTube channel. 

 I hope that you and your family are safe and well, and I hope that you have had an opportunity to get outside, go for walks or stay inside and do some crafting or do something creative to keep your mind stirring and moving forward. In the next couple of weeks, we've got some exciting things coming, so be sure to visit our blog often, and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channels that you can see all of the new art and samples that will be arriving at the end of the month. 

As we talked about earlier, I am still in the works of my children's book, and my most current update is that I am finalizing the last couple of pieces of getting the story copy written and ready to go. I am so excited to be able to start this process that I've wanted to do since my company initiated, and I cannot wait to share this with you. 

Thank you

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