Pivot when needed.

When I was growing up, I wanted one of two jobs I either wanted to be an animatorfor Disney or I wanted to be able to sew costumes and clothing for people that were tall or needed special fitting. I opted to go to college for costume design, and I can do most of what they do on Project Runway. When everything started with the pandemic, I had a few friends of mine who knew that I could sew. Before they could even finish ask if I would be willing to make some masks. I had already pulled out my massive stash of cotton fabric that I had been storing for years for quilts or for cute costumes for my kids that had never been used. I joked with my husband that my fabric hoarding finally had a purpose, and I jumped in and pivoted my company. To be able to afford to not only make the mask but be able to afford the cost of everything that goes into making them, I decided to opt into a model where I am donating as I can as well as making them for sale. 

        We are currently over 75 masks between sales and donations. I love being able to share my creative skills, and if it's something that allows us to be safe, then I am all for it. I have been sewing like crazy and I thank you for all of your love and support. It means so much to me. 

Interested in purchasing a Mask please visit our website here.